Individual counselling

We may be grappling with overwhelming anxiety, or grinding depression.  Anger or rage, masking our fears.  Perhaps some deep hurt, covered over by time but not yet healed.  Maybe a desperate search for our life’s true purpose, or a need to find and be assured of our own true worth and value.

We may be numbing our inner pain through harmful substances or compulsive behaviours.  Trying to regain our freedom when these things leave us unfulfilled.  Or struggling with loss: of work or health, affecting our sense of worth or identity; or of a close personal relationship, leaving us bereft.

Using an existential framework, and elements of other useful approaches, I help clients to become aware of and explore their thoughts, feelings and motivations.  To better understand their actions and behaviours, without feeling judged or criticised.  And to heal, grow, and make different life choices.