Couples counselling

Our intimate relationships start with such energy and excitement.  Conversations can last for hours, communication seems effortless, and the journey of mutual discovery seems set to last a lifetime.  Our dreams of deepening intimacy and ongoing growth together, appear almost to build themselves.

But then, to our surprise, an innocent attempt to tackle a difficult or contentious issue sparks a burst of anger, a stunned silence, and a re-evaluation of what once seemed so easy.  Differences appear, resentments set in, we retreat from ‘risky’ confrontations, defences build up, and distance grows.

Using my training and experience in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, I help partners to regain a sense of safety and security in their relationship.  To stop the cycle of triggering and response that has held them in its grip.  And to rebuild the bridge of connection and intimacy between them.